
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Rain Rain Rain

We have been getting lots of rain these days.  I have been trying to enjoy the dry spots in-between the downpours.  C Monster wont stop asking me to go jump in puddles...


It's been a few weeks now that I am working on the back walk out.  It's all primed and ready for paint;  I went to our locale green hardware store - yes we have a green hardware store - and picked up some paint from yolo.  Will let you know what I think about them after I'm all done painting.  


I have been trying to expand my juice repertoire.  C Monster will only eat fruit if they are dried or pulverized.  I checked out from the library the book "Juice!" - so far so good.  I have tried 3 recipes, C Monster drank 2 reused the other.

As always I only use the book or insparantion here is one of the recipes I made that was C Monster approved:
Blueberry Quinoa
1 cup  blueberries
1/2 bananas
1  tbsp quinoa flakes, (prepare by adding 3 tbsp boilling water and let sit covered for 5 minutes) 
1 tbsp honey
1 cup milk or yogurt
2 large handfull ice

Process all ingredients in blender until smooth

Looking Forward To

Eating my preserved eggplant (in oil) - I need to wait at least one month before trying it

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