
Saturday, June 2, 2012


I have been busy as always and that = me not having time to post anything.  2 weekends ago on Victoria Day we took the C Monster out to see fireworks at Ashbridge Bay.  We live close enough that we can walk and well if we could not walk there I am not certain you could pay me to go - traffic is nuts.

We packed a picnic and headed down wagon in tow to the lake for supper and fireworks.

Geoff trying to eat his supper...

All that said I have to say the city puts on a pretty good firework show at Ashbridge Bay.  And cuddling up with my little C Monster on the sand while watching the fireworks and hearing him say wow, ahh, beautiful mama and start spontaneously clapping is well worth it.

I think it took C Monster 5 minutes after the fireworks to pass out in the wagon. He was so tired he fell asleep eating the rest of his supper I had to fish out sandwich bits from his mouth.

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