After a small accident today involving our new stove (it's still not plugged in, so before you panic, everyone is OK) I started reflecting. We all try our best to keep our kids safe but they still get an "Ouch" from time to time. We are always blogging about how great parents we are and all the great products we love. It's interesting because what we type online is only one side of what we want people to know. We can chose to omit things as we please.
So, we as mothers and fathers are not perfect. Here are some of the less fine moments from the Wiseman house: I tripped with Christophe in my sling; Christophe wiped out on our wet kitchen floor; Christophe opened the stove door onto his head (it really sounds worse than it was); Christophe crawled into his crib rails while sleeping and gaves himself a bloody nose (this one scared the crap out of me)...
I know I am not alone out there in this world of "not as perfect as we seem" mothers. One of my friends' little one learned how to roll on the change table; another one had her little one surprise them in the middle of the night when they climbed out of their crib; someone else saw their little one tumble down 2 concrete steps because they could not react fast enough. (Everyone mentioned above is 100% A-OK)
I have also been witness to a mother lapse in judgement while trying to juggle a baby and toddler; the baby rolled to the ground from the top of a cafe table; another time in the same cafe a toddler accidentally poured a cup of hot coffee on themselves. (Once again everyone is fine)
So, are our kids made from rubber? Sometimes I think they are; but that is not the point of this post. The point is that we are all human. We try our best to be on guard for all dangers that lurk around the corner and sometimes the dangers win.
I just want to remind everyone that our first and foremost responsibility as a parent is to love and protect our kids.
Oh, and did I ever mention we think Christophe ate a rivet once?
I dare you to share some of our not so perfect moments...