
Friday, November 27, 2009

When did you realize that breastmilk is the optimal food for your baby?

When did you realize that breastmilk is the optimal food for your baby? I was recently asked this question and decided to share my answer with you.

From the time we were pregnant with Christophe there was no doubt that I would nurse him, we never researched formula or even looked at any. But if you would have asked me 10 or 15 years ago if I would nurse a baby when it was my turn to become a mom I think I would have said "I don't know?" I don't remember seeing anyone breastfeed as a child, I was not breastfeed. I know my aunt Monique breastfeed her children but it was always behind closed doors other then that I don't remember anyone else breastfeeding. I grew up in a world of bottles and formula.

It was definitely not from my childhood that I got my passion for breastfeeding.

So I look back at what point did i decide that breast was best. I don't think it was a conscious decision but something must have influenced me because when we got pregnant with Christophe there was really no question about it - I was going to nurse no matter what it took. And then it dawned upon me; who was the first person I saw breastfeeding that made it look like there was no other choice - our friend Kim. She was so determined to nurse her little boy no matter all the odds that were stacked up against her (at least that is the way it seemed at the time) that I finally realized that breastmilk is oh so important for babies that mothers who also realise that will go through hell achieving a nursing relationship with their babies.

If someone is willing to go through what seems like pure torture at the time to establish their milk supply and a proper latch so their baby can breastfeed when their is such an easy way out it must be extremely important to them and their baby.

Thank you Kim, without you who know Christophe might have been a formula fed bed (I hate even how that sounds.)

This all being said I don't want to scare new moms breastfeeding is not supposed to hurt, if you are experience any kind of pain or discomfort seek professional help. Your baby should be gaining weight after about one week of life and be back up to their birth weight after 2 weeks, if your baby is not gaining weight seek professional help. A midwife, lactation consultant, La Leche League leader or your doctor can help you - and remember most breastfeeding challenges are fixable - if you really want to nurse you can do it - all you need is some help.


Kim said...

Thank you Pierrette. I don't think there are a lot of people out there who truly know/understand just how difficult it was for us and what we had to go through. Of course, if you had told me then that I'd still be breastfeeding now I would never have believed you!
Again, thank you.

Anonymous said...

I, from the get go was completely hung up on the idea that breast feeding was the only way to go. I just wanted to say, that unfortunately there are often circumstances in which prevent us from doing that. It was exceptionally difficult for me to start formula feeding my Isobel, but it has turned out to be the best decision for us. I just ask that other breast feeding mothers not judge mothers who formula feed, you have NO idea what events have taken place for that mother make the formula choice.

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