
Monday, September 27, 2010

Fire Prevention Week 2010

We've been to a fire prevention week down at the 'South Command Centre' on Eastern Avenue, not too far from our house in the past. Now that we have a toddler who's exceptionally appreciative of fire trucks, it seemed worth going again. Unfortunately, we couldn't find very much information on the web about this year's events, only the schedule for events in 2006.

So I contacted the email address on the City of Toronto website for fire station tours and the like, and Stephanie Gauci tracked down the information for us. Since it was hard for me to find the information, I thought I'd post it here in the hopes that it might help someone else.

Toronto Fire Safety Week Open Houses:
  • Sun 2010-Oct-03, 10am-4pm at 895 Eastern Avenue
  • Tue 2010-Oct-05, 5:30-8:30pm at 200 Bermondsey Road
  • Wed 2010-Oct-06, 5:30-8:30pm at 4560 Sheppard Avenue East
Events include:
  • Inflatable Fire Truck Bouncer
  • Mini-Combat Challenge
  • Fire Truck Displays
  • Celebrity Reading Room
  • BBQ
  • Displays and demonstrations by Fire Safety Experts
Anyway; if you have a child who's loves fire trucks, this is probably worth a look-see.