We started with the Klean Kanteen the problem here was that it looked too much like ours and he wanted a cap that matched ours and one the same size of ours.
Then we tried the Safe Sippy, he still has no clue how to get water out of it.
Then we realized he could drink from a straw so we bought the first BPA free sippy cup with a straw that we saw the Nuby.
But it was made from plastic so when I saw a friend with the Foogo we had to get one and that is Christophe sippy cup today.
How does it work? Does it leak when it falls over?
@ Hyla
If the cap is closed it does not leak, if the cap is open it leaks. Christophe loves opening and closing the cap when he done so it has not been an issue with us. When the cap is closed I throw it in my diaper bag and so far no leaks.
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