These are the statistics from Christophe's birth:
Presentation: Vertex
Position: LOA
Complications: None
Medication given: Vancomycin
Induction: None
Augmentation: Artificial rupture of the membrane (breaking the water)
Method of delivery: Spontaneous
Placenta: Spontaneous delivery
Episiotomy: No
Laceration: 2nd degree
Delivery Anesthetics: No
Fetus gestational age: 37 weeks 6 days
Admitted to hospital: March 1/08 at 1:45am
Membranes ruptured: March 1/08 at 6:00am
Onset of Labour: March 1/08 at 9:30am
Complete cervical dilation: March 1/08 at 11:30am
Delivery of infant: March 1/08 at 1:05pm
Delivery of placenta: March 1/08 at 1:12pm
APGAR score at 1min & 5 min identical:
Heart rate:2
Muscle tone:2
Reflex irritation:2
Skin color:1
Resucitation: none
Sex: male
Weight: 7lb 15oz
Head: 35.5cm
Length: 51cm
Vitamin K: given
Erythromycin eye ointment: not given
I was just thinking of this earlier. I still have the sheet of paper from when Geoff called from the hospital asking if we could go to your house to get your things because you hadn't wanted to bring them with you to the hospital for fear you would jinx yourself (do I need to remind you about Murphy and his silly laws??? ha!). The list is as follows:
- carseat
- diaper bag
- cover for carseat
- blanket for baby
- beige pillows and body pillows
- champagne
- cake
- Room 706
- button up shirt for Geoff
- alarm code **** (as if I'd write that!!)
I still laugh thinking of those pregnant ladies and their partners going on the hospital tour with you in active labour! And I still remember that you held your tone quite nicely!! =)
After everything was dropped off Lisa and I spent the afternoon getting your home ready for Christophe's arrival and we were just finishing up when you called Lisa to announce that Christophe had made his grand entrance into this world.
Fast forward one year, and here we are!! So, without further adieu:
Happy 1st Birthday to Christophe!
and Happy Birthing Day to You & Geoff!
I would love to have that sheet of paper to put in Christophe souvenir box (if you are willing to part with it).
I can not thank you guys enough for everything you did that day; you guys are what real friends are made of.
looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Happy 1st birthday Christophe! I hope you guys have a great day! Today is Emma's 3rd birthday, it goes by so fast. Enjoy!
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