A few days ago, while I was baking--I think it was baked beans--Christophe and his new-found walking skills made it to the stove, reached for the oven door and pulled it open by a few inches. (Before anyone panics, he is fine.) The oven immediately shut itself, because his little muscles were not strong enough to hold it open. However, I thought i was going to die from panic and imagined my son with burns, all as I rushed the three steps to him that I swear felt like three miles to whisk him away from the danger of the stove.
What was I doing while this happened, you ask? Dishes. Do I think I am a bad mother? No, it happens to all of us. One of my friend's eight-month old figured out how to climb the stairs while she ran out the room for 5 seconds. I know a mom whose non-mobile baby decided to learn how to roll on the change table at three months. The list could go on forever, I think almost all mothers have a story like this.
Now, you might ask does this change the way I baby-proof? No - however I did immediately ordered one of those oven latches from Safety Super Store to install on the stove.
This was a scary reminder of just how quick and curious the little ones can be.
Image from Safety Super Store
As I've said before, babies are the best baby-proofing guide. As long as you're doing your best to watch your children, they'll educate you pretty quickly on what things they're likely to get into.
Those are great latches, we have them also one our entertainment unit door, our fridge door and freezer door. Very useful!
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