After nap Christophe had some orange for lunch while I ate pasta; then we got ready to go out. 1st stop the drop in at Roden School by our house. We got there just in time for gym; Christophe had a blast playing with all the ride on toys and watching the older kids. I just love the drop in centers it is such a great way to entertain him and he always naps to perfectly afterwards.
Our 2nd stop was Monarch Park were we played in the leafs for about an hour and then sat down and nursed. The park is so beautiful at this time of the year; there is just something special out sitting on a park bench under a tree nursing your baby while leafs are falling all around you.
On our way to the subway we passed a kitty that ran right up to us and put his paws up on Christophe stroller this amused Christophe for 10 minutes or so until I told him we needed to continue.
Then we walked up to the Subway where we boarded a bus so we could go to Fresh From the Farm. Christophe fell asleep somewhere between us getting on the bus and us arriving at Fresh From the Farm. After I was done my shopping I stopped at this great little Fish and Chip place for some chips and walked to a nearby park to sit down and enjoy them.
Then back off to the house were we made turnip soup for supper and to my astonishment Christophe actually liked it and it about 10 spoonfuls, miracles to happen.
On our way home we stopped at the Greenwood TTC Yard to look at the trains pass. The TTC drivers are so great they honked and waved at Christophe as they drove by.
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