So i survived the first week at home carring for Christophe on my own. I was able to go for walk every day, keep the house tidy, do laundry and play with Christophe while he was awake. This is all thanks to baby waring. Basically when Christophe is not awake he is attached to me in one of our slings; we have a carrier but i don't really like and neither does he.
The slings and carriers we currently own:
Rolz & Sassy ring sling in Grey Lace - I love the lenght of this sling, lots of extra fabric so it will grow with him. Very fashionable fabric also; I think i get comments on it every time I wear it in public. No padding on the rails so for very vigorous work around the house I prefer the heart to heart it holds baby Christophe head better; stops it from jostling about. Price wise not for mommies on tight budgets it retails for about$115.00 CAD.
Heart2heart ring sling in unbleached cotton - Not quite as long as the Rolz & Sassy so he will probably outgrow this one first. Great padded shoulder and rails makes it extremely comfortable for long periods of time. I also find the padded rails helps hold his little neck straight since he does not have full head control yet. Fabric choices are not as glamorous. Much more reasonable in cost; retails for about $70.00 CAD.
We also received from relatives a carrier from Evenflo. I could not find our model on the website because it is older; however it does not differ much from their current carrier. Personally I don't like it and neither does Christophe so far. I find it does not offer enough back support and he does not seem to like the fact that he is nit squished against me. I think he is just used to the slings. Geoff plans on giving it a shot to see what he think.
Glad to hear you are enjoying wearing your baby! I would love to see some pics of you using the slings!
You should try a wrap. I love baby wearing but I find once baby starts packing on the pounds my shoulder gets sore. I have a Moby wrap and it's the most comfortable thing to wear! My daughter is 14 months and I can still carry her for long periods of time (like all around Disney World) and not be the least bit uncomfortable!
We have a wrap on order, and having tried the newer Baby Bjorns, I'm a little tempted by these, but the cost is off-putting.
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